Avestor utilizes a third party service to perform background checks on all sponsors on our platform. We perform these checks to provide investors additional confidence in the funds that they are investing in.
The following checks are performed by Avestor.
National criminal search
Federal criminal search for last 10 years
County criminal search for last 7 years
Sex offender search
Social security number trace
Global watchlist search
For each sponsor, you will see a confirmation next to their name that they have passed our background check. That is an indication that they have cleared all of the above background checks with no issues. If a sponsor has a minor issue on any of the above, we will highlight that sponsor with a yellow checkmark. Investors can get additional information directly & confidentially from Avestor on the issue to make an independent decision on if they want to invest in the fund. Sponsors with a major issue in their background check are not permitted to create funds on Avestor's platform.
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